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  There are many other stories affiliated with the temple such as mentioned in the great epic of Mahabharat where the Panj Pavadas helped build the foundations to the main temple after they we're victorious from their battle to honour the Great Goddess. The other most popular story of all is involving Dhyanu Bhakt a keen devotee of the Goddess and his events with the Moghul Emperor Raja Akhbar. Dhyanu's mother ide during a troublesome birthing, local villagers labelled Dhyanu as a cursed child. Along the other side of the same village a local priest was sleeping and the Goddess appeared before him and told him to take into care one her valuable devotees who has taken birth but lost both parents. The priest orphaned Dhyanu and raised him as the Goddess wished. As Dhyanu became older the priest noticed his words of wisdom and healing power of his prayer was striking. People from other villages came to him for advice and problems. By now Dhyanu was a grown man, he had a following but stayed incredibly humble. One night whilst closing his local mandir for the night the Goddess said to him "Take 1,000 of my followers and take them on pilgrimage of my Jwalaji temple, but beware on the way there, your faith will be severely tested, use your wisdom and don't lose sight of your goal".


So the next day Dhyanu took on the order of his Mother Goddess and rounded up everyone also including horses as vehicles and supplies of food and drink so he could to start the long pilgrimage. When entering Chandini Chowk near Delhi, the Moghul King Akhbar heard of this incredible thousand strong procession that he sent his troops to question what was so significant about this diminutive Dhyanu Bhakt character. When questioned by the Moghuls troops of his quest, Dhyanu said, "We are on pilgrimage of Sri Jwalaji, the creator the preserver of the universe". The troops were under orders so they questioned Dhyanu further and said. "How can we believe in your Goddess? How can consider her most powerful? If you are a true believer than make us believe and show us a miracle". Dhyanu said "I am but a meek servant of the Goddess, How can I show you any miracle?" The Moghuls troops did not get the desired result so they arrested Dhyanu and took his horse back to stand before Akhbar.

Dhyanu assured his group of fellow worshippers to carry on with the pilgrimage and he would shortly join them and told them not to worry, the Goddess will take care. He went along with Akhbar's troops to Akhbar's quarters. Akhbar felt his authority was undermined by Dhyanu's answers. Akhbar questioned Dhyanu further but Dhayn's answr always ended in his faith being bigger than performing a miracle to prove the Goddess' power to Akhbar. Akhbar was smug, his arrogance grew he said to Dhyanu. "If you can't perform a miracle then, I show us the power of your prayers. The neck of your horse will be cut and you pray to your Goddess to bring him to life". Dhaynu was shocked and saddened that an innocent horse would be killed. He pleaded with Akhbar, but Akhbar's stubborn character wasn't going to change his mind. Out of reconciliation he negotiated with Akhbar that if cutting he neck of the horse was vital, than he should keep the head and the body for at least a month. Akhbar agreed to keep it thinking it would be absurd but at least he would triumph over Dhyanu.

Dhaynu was released and his horse was decapitated. Dhyanu made his way to Jwalaji and began his meditation. He contemplated to the Goddess strictly, he prayed to her telling her how the King was testing him. Dhyanu's honour was at stake and he prayed to the Goddess to bring the horse to life. He didn't want to feel ashamed, he pleaded with Goddess to bless him. A lot of time had passed and there was no reply from anywhere. Dhyanu became overwhelmed with passion, he poised his wishes and out of angst he reached for own sword and beheaded himself and presented his head to the Goddess. The Goddess was overcome with so much maternal instinct she appeared in tangible form. Her Jyotis started to flame enormously and the Goddess walked through them and stood before Dhyanu head and body. She lifted the head and attached it to Dhyanu's body and brought him back to life. She spoke to Dhyanu and said "You need not feel ashamed, your wishes have been fulfilled". Dhyanu was still affected by his order and said "Mother Amba, every human cannot cut their head off before you to prove their devotion. Kindly accept a simple offering". The Goddess was pleased that even after his test he still put the needs of other followers at the freofront of his mind. "As you wish" the Mother said "From now I will accept a coconut and true devotion from my devotees who come to me with their hopes". The Goddess added "Dhyanu, the head of your horse in Delhi is also reattached, the King will now face his test and will himself be coming in a few days himself to bring the horse back to you" and after saying so the Goddess resumed back into the jyotis which became normal size again.

Back in Delhi Akhbar witnessed the strange happenings when the same horse he saw beheaded was no standing tall and alive. Akhbar and his conceit was still strong, to avoid being embarrassed he sent his soldiers to Jwalaji. He told his soldiers "These jyotis from the ground are what might have caused this to happen, so he ordered them to enclose them with giant iron pans. Akhbar is evidently unaware of the power these jyotis contained. So the soldiers marched into Jwalaji and enclosed the Jyotis with iron pans. Dhyanu was still present and just remembered what the Goddess said about Akhbar facing his own test, so he just said to other devotees to stand back and let the Goddess be. They walked away pleased with themselves after enclosing the jyotis. However very quickly the irons pans began to disappear and jyotis appears as if nothing affected them.

The soldiers told Akhbar what happned and he shunted the idea, he said. Burning flames will melt the iron so that is why they came back to the surface. So he resent his soldiers, this time he said, drown the jyotis in water and fire cannot withstand water. So the soldiers went back and Dhyanu was still there. He watched as they made a stream from a near watercourse and watched the temple fill with water. The main soldier said, "No fire can survive water" and chuckled and walked away with his entourage. When Dhyanu and other devotees who were still at the temple started to upheaval there was much noise and to their disbelief the soldiers could not understand what they were seeing. The jyotis we're piercing through the water. Onlookers were stunned the soldiers were breathless. This news rapidly reached Akhbar.Akhbar admitted defeat and he held his head low and was disappointed in his actions towards the Goddess. He made an oath with the Goddess that he would offer a prestigious gold umbrella (Chhatara) and walked barefoot to her doors and begged forgiveness for his wrongdoing. This was unheard of for a Muslim King to perform such a severe act of devotion to a Goddess. So Akhbar removed his royal shoes and walked the long journey to the Goddess Jwalaji and took her gift with him and Dhyanu's horse. When he reached there Dhyanu was reunited with his horse. Akhbar presented himself in front of the jyotis and kneeled before her and said, "You truly are a Goddess who's a Mother to all, please accept my gift and forgive my many misdeeds".

The gold umbrella he offered to the Goddess was now turning an unknown metal before his eyes. The gold umbrella hadn't even come close to the jyotis and Akhbar became troubled, he thought he as a king he walked barefoot to the Goddess' abode and he apologised and yet the Goddess was not yet accepting his gift. He was very worried, he said to the Goddess "Is it only people from one faith that are allowed to be considered your loved ones, am I not conventional because I am Muslim?". Dhyanu stood next to the King, he knew the King had learned his lesson and wanted to be pardoned for his wrongdoings. Dhyanu asked the Goddess what is it was that Dhyanu needed to do. The jyotis became fierce with fire and out spoke this voice of the Goddess, she said "I will not accept the chhatara not because of his faith, but because I still sense arrogance in his thoughts". Akhbar left his final guard down, he said, "Goddess Jwalaji I speak to not as a king, or a Moghul or even anyone of additional significance, I speak to you as your son, please pardon my sins and accept my gift". Finally Akhbar, the Moghul Emperor distinguished his egotism and the Goddess accepted him and his offering and was pleased with him.

Even till this day the chhatara can be seen at Jwalaji's temple it is encased and Dhyanu and Akhbar's story has remained immortal, revealing the strength of the Goddess Jwalaji and her love for her devotees.


Kalka Devi Temple Delhi | Kalka Devi Mandir Delhi | History of Kalka Mandir